Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Babes

I'm behind in my posts.  In the past 3 weeks we've had 3 and a half calves.

The half part is sad and not cute at all so if you want to scroll on to cuteness do so now...

Mary aborted her calf.  She was about a month and a half from calving.  We have no clue why she aborted.  We are sad and disappointed that the baby didn't make it, but we are glad Mary aborted like she should have and everything else went OK for her.

On a happier note we've got 3 other healthy babies.

This pretty little girl was born first.  She's almost 3 weeks old now and doing great.  

The second baby is also a girl.  She was born a week ago.  And last week when we went to get mom and baby into the barn it was raining cats and dogs. It's been raining lots of those lately so instead of making the baby walk through the muddy barn lot we took them through my parent's yard.  This induced an episode of Elsie barking drama...

Once we got them inside, little baby found a nice warm spot in the straw to lay down.

She's a pretty thing with a red and white tail.  A day after she was born she came out of the barn to explore the muddy lot.

Here she is almost a week old.  She's one of my favorite calves so far.  She's full of attitude and fuzzy and cute as can be!  In the evenings we've been moving mothers and babies into the barn lot so they can get inside.  This little baby rebels for being forced into a muddy barn lot.  The other night she came right up to the barn door, looked at us and mooed in disgrace.

Then, Sunday we had yet another baby girl!  That makes 3 heifers on the ground for April.  The poor little thing is made like a deer.  She's small boned and so far has only been able to find one faucet (as my dad calls it).  She needs a bit of time to get her footing and in the mean time I think we'll call her teeny.

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